Monday, December 28, 2009

Gifts, Santa and my holiday mani

Hi all! I hope you all had a joyful holiday and got all that you asked Santa for!

Family+Gifts+Food+Eat+Wine+Pictures+Eat+Family+Food+Eat+Champagne+Eat+Eat+Beer pretty much sums up my entire weekend. It seems like every time there's a family reunion, all we do is eat and drink. We're a bunch of alcoholic pigs, I tell ya!

I wasn't able to do a nice holiday mani like I wanted, since I had to wrapped presents for my mom and dad. When I agreed to do it, I wasn't expecting that many gifts to wrap...

However, I was able to put on GOSH Silver, a beautiful silver foil.

Also, I just baked so deliiiiiicious cookies! That'll be in a future post..

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