I have a busy week ahead of me getting ready for my Marketing presentation... HAPPY TIMES!
Anyways, I have sooo many purple polishes that I've never tried, I randomly picked two in a row this week. Usually, when that happens, I always go back to my untrieds box and pick another one...
I'll start with the latest one I've had on my nails, which is also my nail of the day!
As I've said many times before, Rescue Beauty Lounge's formulas are simply perfection, so I'm not gonna say anything more.
Purple Haze is a beautiful purple creme. I thought I had one pretty close to this color in my stash, but I was wrong. Very unique, I'd say.
I'm off to do more research for our project. We must NAIL this presentation because there is no way in hell I'll be able to get a good mark in the final. ;)
Funny, Purple Rain is playing but not by Prince. Love this shade of purple. Looks lovely on you.